Sunday, January 3, 2016

Who is the most valued MLB player based on the WAR value?

I have participated in the first #MakeOverMonday challenge by +Andy Kriebel to visualize who the most valued MLB players are based on their Wins Above Replacement (WAR).

In the article,, data was presented in a tabular form. Sometimes, data is much easier to understand visually than the tabular form and these are some reasons;

1. Hard to see what is the surplus across all players?
2. How are players salaries and WAR adjusted values are related?
3. Is the WAR changing over year?
4. How are players salaries compared to each other?

To answer above questions, I used dumbbell dot plots to show players salaries, their WAR adjusted values, and surplus amount.

First attempt was to showcase which MLB player has the most WAR adjusted value regardless of the year. This is the screenshot of the overall visualization and the link to view Tableau Dashboard.

Given the year as one of the dimension, I also attempted to show data by year and by player. Used dumbbell dot plots also for this version. This is the screenshot of the Per Year visualization and the link to view Tableau Dashboard.